Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wine Blog Post 1:

An Introduction To My Wine Experience

I have very little wine experience, and am very excited to take this class.  My parents do not drink alcohol at all, and I had never had any type of wine before I came to college.  I have been to one winery with a few of my friends, at which I did a tasting. The person who ran the tasting paired each wine with a different food, and did an excellent job of making sure we understood what flavors the winery was going for in each selection.  Before going to the tasting, I did not really know anything about the different types of wines, and I actually thought wine was kind of gross.  It definitely changed my mind and broadened my horizons, and I am hoping all of the tasting in this class will do the same.

In terms of preference, since I have so little experience I pretty much drink anything sweet.  Overall, I drink wine that is readily available in grocery stores for the cheapest price.  I do not like to try new wines, since I basically only like sweet ones and it seems like a waste of money to deviate from what is good. When I go to buy wine, I almost always buy "Moscato".  I know this class will teach me a couple of other sweet wines that can add some variety to my current monotony.

I am taking this class to branch out from my one category and dive head first into the wine world.  I plan on going to tastings almost every week, and keeping track of which wines I like.  I am also very excited to learn what wines pair best with most foods.  I found in my one wine tasting that the wine has a very different taste when paired with food than it does on your own.  I am hoping to get a little bit of the science behind the pairings, but with my little experience I will be happy to learn anything in this class.

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